

Sunday 17 April 2016

The Best Shoulder Exercises For Mass

Do you want to know 5 exercises which will really improve your shoulder appearance and strength? These exercises are top quality but they should not obviously be carried out whilst neglecting the rest of your body. Ok, so in terms of the best shoulder workout, here it is:
 Shoulder Exercises For Mass

How do you do it?
Sit on a chair at home or an upright bench at the gym. Lift 2 dumbbells and pull them to your shoulders. Keep your feet shoulder width apart. With your elbows directly beneath the dumbbells, raise them upwards until straight above your head, then lower the dumbbells to the starting position.
How do you do it?
Sit on an upright bench. Grab the barbell with a wider than shoulder width grip. Push the barbell directly upward until it is at arms length above your shoulders. Lower the barbell down to the front of your shoulders, then press it back to starting position. You can also do this exercise by lowering the barbell to the back of the head. It's really personal preference.
How do you do it?
Stand holding a barbell with a shoulder width grip. Make sure you keep your elbows above your hands at all times. Pull the bar up from the starting position until your elbows are shoulder height. Hold this position for a second then lower to the starting position.
The Best Shoulder Exercises For Mass

How do you do it?
Get 2 dumbbells. Hold the dumbbells just in front of your body with the palms of your hands facing each other. Using your deltoids, raise the dumbbells out to the sides and upwards until they are just above shoulder level. Hold this position for a second to maximize contraction in the deltoids. Lower the dumbbells back to the starting position. Then repeat.
How do you do it?
Lift 2 dumbbells. Bend over at the waist with your feet shoulder width apart. Keep your knees bent to prevent hurting your lower back. Hold the dumbbells at arms length in front of your. Keep a slight bend in your elbows. Raise the dumbbells to the back and upwards in a semicircular arc as far as you can. As with previous exercises, hold this position briefly to maximize the peak contraction in the rear deltoids and then lower the dumbbells back to the starting position.        


The Best Triceps Exercises for Mass

Learn the Best Triceps Exercises for Mass
When it comes to getting that beach body, the arms are one of the big time players. As I walk the gym, one of the most common exercises I see is the bicep curl. While the bicep muscle is very important when it comes to having great looking arms, the tricep muscle needs to be worked significantly, maybe more, than the bicep muscle. The triceps muscle makes up a larger portion of the arm than the biceps muscle, so in order to get bigger, more defined arms, you'll need to make sure your working your triceps muscle adequately on arm day. This article will talk about some of the best tricep exercises for mass. These exercises will work all three heads of the tricep muscle - the lateral head, medial head and long head. Before we get to the best tricep exercises for mass, let's talk a little bit more about the differences between each head.
1. Lateral Head - The lateral head of the tricep is on the outward facing side of the humerus and is responsible for the curvature of the arm when looking from the front view.
2. Long Head - The long head of the tricep runs along the bottom of the humerus and is the largest of the three heads. This is a very important muscle to hit when training the triceps for mass.
3. Medial Head - The medial head of the tricep runs along the inside of the humerus and provides definition more towards the elbow.
Now that you have an understanding of the three heads of the tricep muscle, let's get to the good stuff - the best tricep exercises for mass! These exercises will hit all three heads of the tricep, giving you an arsenal of exercises that will promote big time muscle growth while sculpting your triceps evenly. These three exercises are a must for anyone trying to turn heads with a pair of bad ass arms!

1. Tricep Dips - Tricep Dips are a staple for any good arm workout. When done correctly, dips hit all three heads of the tricep muscle, promoting maximum growth. Tricep Dips are easy to progress or regress. Depending on your goals, you can use an assisted dip machine or bench to rep out high volumes, attach extra weight with a belt to build strength, or make it a plyometric dip to train for power.
To Perform the Perfect Tricep Dip:
1. Assume a comfortable position on the Dip bars.
2. Begin the exercise by slowly lowering your body by pushing your elbows back (not out to the sides which leads to more shoulder stress) with a slight forward tilt of the torso.
3. Lower your body until your upper arm is parallel to the ground.
4. Begin the ascent back up by pushing your hands down into the Dip bars.
5. Stop just short of a locked out arm position to keep tension on the tricep muscle.
Tip: Perform the exercise in a controlled manner on the eccentric and concentric portions of the exercise. Focus of keeping the tricep muscle under tension the entire time. In other words, do not drop down without resisting gravity and do not accelerate up through the lift.
2. Skullcrushers - Skullcrushers are another awesome tricep exercise for hitting all three heads of the muscle. They have a great range of motion and can be altered slightly by utilizigin a flat bench or an incline bench. You can also change it up by using a barbell, EZ Bar or Dumbbells.
To Perform the Perfect Skullcrusher:
1. Assume a shoulder width grip on the bar or DB with arms extended out in front of the shoulders.
2. Begin the exercises by slowly lowering the weight towards the top of your head while preventing the elbows from flaring out to the sides.
3. Lower the weight to just above the top of your head.
4. Begin the ascent by pushing up on the bar through your hands maintaining equal effort on both hands.
5. Stop just short of a locked out arm position to keep tension on the triceps.
Tip: Perform the exercise in a controlled manner on the eccentric and concentric portions of the exercise. Focus of keeping the tricep muscle under tension the entire time. In other words, do not drop down without resisting gravity and do not accelerate up through the lift. Keep the elbows in tight, avoiding any flaring out of the elbows. If you can't keep the elbows in, get a spotter or reduce your weight.

3. Close Grip Bench Press - The close grip bench press is a unique tricep exercise in that you can push much more weight than other exercises for the triceps. Being able to move more weight will lead to larger muscle growth within the tricep.
To Perform the Perfect Close Grip Bench Press:
1. Assume the starting position with hands at roughly shoulder width or just inside shoulder width.
2. Lower the bar (or DB) towards your chest, keeping the elbows tight to the sides of your body.
3. Begin the ascent back up by pushing up with the triceps.
5. Stop just short of a locked out arm position.
Tip: Keep the elbows in tight to the body. In other words, avoid flaring out the elbows. As with any barbell bench press, try to avoid overextension of the wrist. The wrist is in a vulnerable position when it is overextended. This can be dangerous with heavier weight.
There it is! Three of the best tricep exercises for mass. Perform these exercises with various weight, reps and order and you'll start to see improvements in your arm size and definition. By utilizing all three heads of the tricep muscle, you'll get the most out of your arm workouts.


Top Foods For Muscle Growth

Muscle growth is the product of the body's repair process from damage done by too much stress. It is quite a slow process that is why bulking up requires hours of rigorous weight lifting. Packing up on muscles requires an increase in one's protein intake because the body needs to store new protein faster than it can break down. One must keep in mind though, that effective muscle building can only be achieved by proper training and adequate nourishment. Here is a list of top foods that are essential for bodybuilders:
Foods For Muscle Growth

1. FISH. This should top the list of every bodybuilder because fish, such as salmon or tuna, is not only packed with protein but also has healthy nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids. This particular fatty acid helps in improving weight loss and aids in proper metabolism. Additionally, saturated fat in good quality fish is almost non-existent. In order to show off your lean, striated muscle, we certainly don't want an unsightly layer of fat under the skin.

2. LEAN MEAT. Chicken is said to be the staple muscle- building food with its high protein and low fat content. It can be deliciously prepared in a wide variety of ways making dieting more of a treat than a burden. Lean red meat is also an excellent source of protein. It has higher fat content than chicken, but is well compensated by nutrients like iron, zinc and B vitamins. Rounds and loins are meat parts that are extra lean with maximum protein and fewer calories.

3. EGGS. The protein in eggs is the most easily absorbed by the body and specifically targets muscle growth. Also, one can get the most amount of protein with the least amount of calories from eggs.
Foods For Muscle Growth

4. NUTS. Nuts and seeds especially almonds and cashew are packed full of protein and antioxidants like Vitamin E, for prevention of free radical damage after heavy workouts. These are the perfect snack to munch on, providing high quality calories and a fuller feel on the stomach without the added pounds.

5. COTTAGE CHEESE. Casein protein, a slow digesting protein, is found in high proportion in cottage cheese. It is responsible for elevating blood amino acid levels, for a longer time than whey, making it the best food for muscle maintenance.

These are only a few of the selection that muscle builders will want to include in abundance in their daily diets, but they certainly are the best ones.


Bodybuilding Exercises For The Legs

Do you have a plan to gain more muscle mass? Your legs are one of the most important muscle groups to train. Bodybuilding exercises for the legs are important for several reasons. Muscular legs look good, that's for sure, but it also keeps your body in balance when you regularly train your legs.

If you train your upper body to the max and you skip to train your legs, your body is not in balance and it will be bad for your health. The danger is that your legs need to carry the increased weight of your upper body. Your legs should be conditioned to handle that.
 Exercises For The Legs


The intent of bodybuilding is to gain muscle mass. With some sports like running or cycling you won't gain muscle mass. These sports are good for endurance. You need to keep your focus on exercises that will train your muscles.

To create muscle mass it is very important that you train the legs regularly. It is wise to train the legs at least two times a week. After you trained your legs, it is better to do no other exercises. Training of the legs is very demanding. If you train your legs the right way, you shouldn't have any more energy to perform other exercises.


Which exercises are most suitable for gaining muscle in the legs? Well, it depends on several factors. Aptitude is very important as that is a factor you can't influence. Some people have more aptitude than others to gain muscles faster.
 Exercises For The Legs

If you have less aptitude to create more muscle mass, you can still focus on other factors that you can influence, like training, rest and nutrition of interest. To train your legs full force, it is important to perform big and heavy exercises such as the stiff legged deadlift, leg extension, deadlift, squat, lunge and dumbbell squat.


Besides heavy and regularly training, nutrition is also very important. In case you don't train very heavily, most times it is sufficient to eat healthy. In case you go for a more severe training plan, then it is important to pay special attention to your nutrition. With bodybuilding it is important to eat a diet that will break down fat and increase muscle mass. In addition there are also proteins that you need to help your muscles recover after heavy exercises.


Girls Guide To Body Building - Do You Need A New Workout Program?

Girls Guide To Body Building
Are you planning to start a girl's body building program? You might have already read numerous articles about work out training programs or what exercises you need to start. Do not forget that in order to achieve a girl's body building program, you should follow it with a healthy diet.

Beef: It is essential in your diet plan if you are to build lean muscles because of its content such as zinc, cholesterol, protein, iron and B vitamins. It is highly advisable that you prefer to consume grass-fed cattle because they have upper concentrations of conjugated linoleic acid or CLA than those cattle raised conventionally. It boosts you to shed body fats.

Beets: It is a perfect source of trimethylglycine or also called betaine. It enhances your liver and promotes joints repair. Beets will also assist you in having the power and muscle strength that you need in order to perform the training program you have chosen.

Brown rice: It is a whole grain which is slow in digesting that helps you to keep extensive energy for your activities the whole day and throughout your work out. It can also improve the amount of your growth hormone which is very vital in boosting lean muscle growth, strength gains and fat loss.

Oranges: It promotes growth, muscle growth and endurance especially if you consume oranges before working out.

Cantaloupe: It is one of the best quick-digesting carbs. It is the best carb to eat in the morning after hours of sleeping or after your training program.

Organic Cottage Cheese: It is packed with casein protein which is excellent to nibble before going to bed. Casein protein is known as the gradual-digesting protein that you can consume which will prevent your muscles from being used as a source of energy while you are fasting at night.
Girls Guide To Body Building

Eggs: These are the best source of protein. Do not worry about the cholesterol content of eggs. Its cholesterol that helps decrease the level of bad cholesterol particles.

Organic Milk: It is rich in casein protein and whey. It is also loaded with amino acid glutamine and omega-3 fatty acids..

Spinach: It contains amino acid and glutamine which are essential in the growth of lean muscles.

Apples: Polyphenols in apples will help you avoid from suffering muscle fatigue and improve your muscle strength during your workouts.
Achieve your girl's body building program through following the strength training programs suited for you and consuming the above list of foods. It is highly recommended as well that you read articles on different myths about body building. You might be doing some myths that will put you on higher risks.


Saturday 16 April 2016

Why Bodybuilders Need Probiotic Supplements

Why Bodybuilders Need Probiotic Supplements
Being a bodybuilder isn't easy - not only do you have to work hard and have the utmost patience and dedication you also have to adhere to a strict healthy diet and exercise routine if you are to achieve that lean, mean ripped physique that's such a hit with the ladies. Nothing worth having after all, is easy to get nor easy to have without some sacrifices and a lot of hard work.

Nor is it any easier to put together the perfect bodybuilding supplement stack, one that addresses all your needs and gives you the best results. Most bodybuilders prefer to just go with one or two supplements or go without them altogether but the importance of having good supplements can never be stressed enough. The best bodybuilders know very well how important good supplements can be to their training and how it can help them have the best body ever.

Probiotic supplements, in particular, are among the types of supplements that keep coming up as far as coming up with the ideal bodybuilding supplement stack is concerned. Probiotics are live microorganisms in the gut that promote good intestinal and digestive health. These days, the business of good bacteria is a fast-growing industry, what with the word "probiotics" appearing in almost every health product available in the market, from yogurt to granola bars.

Certain types of probiotics are linked to a multitude of health benefits but for bodybuilders, the best benefit of probiotics is the fact that it produces amylolytic, lipolytic and cellulolytic digestive enzymes that help them absorb nutrients better. Since they also have the tendency to over train and subject themselves to various exercise routines that test their endurance limits, probiotics essentially help combat oxidative stress and offers intestinal cell protection against oxidant-related tissue damage. It also reduces a bodybuilder's exposure to respiratory tract infections, gastrointestinal distress and helps regulate the production of the hormone cortisol, which is known to contribute to muscle-wasting.

In addition, the best probiotic supplements these days also contain bacillus coagulans, which is a type of bacteria that produces lactic acid and helps maintain the normal balance of good bacteria in the body. Not only does it improve digestive health, it also improves the immune system and athletic performance and aids in substantial fat loss. In fact, recent studies show that taking one billion colony-forming units of this bacterium showed significant protein absorption for maximum muscle growth and gains.

Also, bacillus coagulans enables your probiotic supplement to have a longer shelf life due to the fact that it is able to withstand extreme conditions. It is surrounded by a natural protective shield that helps it survive the heat and pressure of manufacturing, as well as from stomach acids so that it arrives intact in the intestines unlike other commonly probiotic types like bifidobacterium and lactobacillus which do not come with a protective shield.

When finding the best probiotic supplements, it is important to read the label and find out exactly what strain is used in the product and how much of it is contained therein. The health benefits it is purported to give should be backed by adequate research to ensure you are consuming a product that is safe. If you also have a compromised immune system or any kind of acute illness, you should not consider taking probiotics so before rushing out to the nearest drugstores, check with


Best Workout Programs For Men Method

Best Workout Programs For Men Method
Workout Programs For Men
Cut the bullshit and follow carefully perfected steps to reach a new, ripped you! Everything you need to know from nutrition to the best supplements is included. You have to be mindful of 4 things when building muscle: Your calorie intake (how much food your consuming), the exercises you are doing (are you targeting every area of the muscle?), your workout routine (when to work each muscle group), and the mentality you have when you train in the gym.

Best Workout Programs For Men Method
Your calorie intake has to be centered around not only your body type, but the type of activities your partake in and your training intensity. I personally am naturally very skinny. Because of this I have to consume a lot of calories in order to grow and put on muscle mass. In general, skinny guys obviously need to eat more than bigger guys. Use this to your advantage by tailoring your calorie intake to fit your needs. If you are bulking, you should aim for gaining one pound per week; if you are cutting, aim for losing one pound a week. Tweak your diet to find what works best for you!
The exercises in workout programs for men matter!
You have to learn to target each muscle group in a different way in order to make extremely lean gains and overall body symmetry. For example, if you are training legs, you need to stimulate not only your quads, but your glutes, hamstrings, and calves as well. You can do this through knowing which exercises to perform, the rep range to use, and in what order. A typical leg day of workout programs for men looks like this:
1. Warm-up on elliptical (it is very important to warm up your joints before heavy lifting)
2. Leg extensions 3×12 (helps to warm up your knees; I noticed that when I started doing these at the beginning of leg day, my knee pain diminished)
3. Squats 3×5 2×12 (this is the very core of your leg routine; both low-volume, high-intensity and high-volume, low intensity are utilized to build strength and also size through achieving hypertrophy (muscle size growth).
4. Barbell Lunges 3×10 (these are great for your glutes and how they tie in)
5. Leg press 3×12 (perfect for your outer quad sweep; place your feet close together)
6. Leg curl 3×15 (really targets the hamstrings; use slow, controlled motions to really contract and stretch your hams)
7. Stiff-legged deadlift 3×8 (this movement is designed to build massive hamstrings that make your legs look amazing from the back and side)
8. Calf-raises 3×30 (calves respond best to high volume so 30 reps/set is a good way to get them to explode!)
Best Workout Programs For Men and what schedule works best
If you are a beginner, it is best if you focus on core, compound movements such as squat, bench, deadlift, and overhead press. It is also optimal for you to train only 3 days a week and to limit your training sessions. Beginner workout programs for men for chest would look something like this:
1. Bench Press 3×5
2. Incline dumbbell chest fly 3×12
3. Dips 3×5
You will notice that there is very little volume. A beginner will grow best on a low volume routine when nutrition and rest is being taken care of. When you can stop adding weight to your lifts each workout, you know it is time to add more volume- you are now considered intermediate!
Mentality one must have using workout programs for men
When training, your mind must be in alignment with your body. You have to learn to listen to your body so that you can accommodate its needs and grow lean muscle mass. This includes building a proper rest schedule that is flexible. An intermediate routine could look like this:
Day 1: Chest                                                                             Day 2: Back        
Day 3: Shoulders and Traps                                                    Day 4: Legs

Day 4: Legs                                                                             Day 5: Rest


The Best Bodybuilding Supplement

 Bodybuilding Supplement;Protein Powder
You don't have to be a body builder to take supplements. Plenty of average joes who work out casually (or maybe a bit harder than most) supplement with supplements  every day.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
Supplements range from energy enhancers, muscle recovery aids, strength increasing aids, to shakes to take before bed. In between is about another couple hundred products that are all hype and should be avoided. So which ones are the best then?                                                              
  • Protein Powder is an essential supplement to any body building (or muscle building) program. It is one of the oldest supplements and most effective. Most come in a powder form you can use in a shake - or if you are quirky, you can incorporate it into food                                               
  • Protein powders main goal is to give you the protein needed to recover and aid in muscle building. With as much as 30 grams of protein per scoop, it's a good way to meet your macros in a day.                                                                                                                                               
  • Lots of protein powder also include other ingredients that help aid your body in other ways. It's a great supplement that can be taken year round.                                                                                 
  • Creatine is another great and well researched supplement. It too has been around for a long time and everyone from athletes to casuals use it. Creatine is a natural occurring acid in red meats and your body that helps fuel cells in your muscles.                                                                        
  • Taken mostly in a micronized (or pill) form - creatine is tasteless in most cases and iseasy to take. It's cheap, effective, and will give you the most immediate results for your buck. Creatine is often cycled every month as well to keep the body fresh.                                                                       
  • Pre-Workout's isn't just what you do before work out - it's a supplement you take before a workout! A Pre-Workout supplement (yes that's its real name) will aid you in many ways you never thought possible through a supplement.                                                                                          
  • Usually taken in powder form mixed with water - it will provide you with an energy blend to help pep you up and focus in the gym. I'm talking insane, mental, focus. You know, the zone? A pre-workout will put you in the zone and provide you energy for your entire workout.                                                 
  • Pre-Workouts feature a variety of ingredients so be sure to read what your getting. Again the main focus is the energy blend which can be anything from caffeine to coffee.                                       
  • Bam, that's it! Yes just three big supplements that we feel are the best. Sure, they're other products on the market - but I don't find them to be as effective as the three I listed in this article.                                                                                                                                                
  • Be sure to consult with a doctor before supplementing with anything to make sure you are healthy enough to do so.                                                                                                                             
  • For more on supplements and weight training check out the 10rate Best Supplements section for reviews, top 10 lists, and more on supplements! Don't have a workout plan? Check out some of the Best Workout Plans also!


How to Build Chest Muscle Lightning Fast in 3 Easy Steps

Chest Muscle ,How to Build Chest Muscle

If you've been trying to build chest muscle but aren't seeing the gains you were looking for then there are a few key steps you can take to build chest muscle in lightning speed.
How to Build Chest Muscle Step I - Dissect your chest work out
If you want to build chest muscle you have to dissect your chest workout. Your chest which consists of your pectorals "pecs" are pretty big muscles, which means you're going to have work out different parts of your chest "one at a time" if you want maximum results and the fastest gains possible.

It's real simple. All you have to do is break down your chest workout or chest exercises to work out the 4 main parts of your chest.
These 4 parts are your upper chest, your lower chest, your inner chest and your outer chest.
Here are a few exercises you can use to build chest muscle very quickly.
Upper Chest Muscle Exercises
- Incline Barbell Bench press - Military Dumbbell Presses - Incline Dumbbell Flyes
Lower Chest Muscle Exercises
- Decline Barbell Bench press - Parallel Bar Dips - Decline Dumbbell Flyes
Inner Chest Muscle Exercises
- Standing Cable Crossovers - Flat Bench Dumbbell Flyes
Outer Chest Muscle Exercises
- Flat Bench Barbell Presses - Flat Bench Dumbbell Flyes
By dissecting your chest workout in this way you will not only build chest muscle fast but you build ALL the different areasof your chest muscle which leads to a bigger, stronger and wider chest.
How to Build Chest Muscle Step II - Work Your Chest to Failure
If you want to build chest muscle, you have to train your chest to failure. If you don't know what I mean, it's very simple. You have to push your chest muscles to the point where it is unable to do any more reps on its own during that set.
This is why you also NEED a spotter - someone to help you when your muscles fail during an exercise. For example, if you're bench pressing and your muscles fail halfway on your last rep, you want someone there to assist you, so you can keep pushing even though your muscles have failed - that's the key to unlocking HUGE muscle gains.
When you train your chest muscle to failure like this, your body says "Woe, I better start sending more nutrients (protein, water, calories, etc.) to build my chest muscles so next time we deal with this stress (weight training to failure), it won't be as strenuous as last time". Training like this can and will lead to HUGE chest muscle gains quickly.
How to Build Chest Muscle Step III - Don't Cheat on Your "Negatives"
What are "negatives"? - Negatives are the eccentric or lowering phase of your particular exercise. For example, if you were bench pressing, your negative would be when you are lowering the barbell once you've reached the top. In other words, negative is the motion you take after you have contracted your targeted muscle (in this case lowering the barbell after we have contracted our chest muscle to push the barbell to the top).
Most people use gravity during negatives instead of having a controlled movement downward. This is what I call "cheating your negatives" and it's also hazardous to your muscles. Think about it, if you just finished pushing a 150lb barbell upward, it'll be pretty dangerous and "useless" when you're trying to build muscle if you just relaxed your chest muscles as soon as you were about to lower that barbell it.
Instead, take your time and bring the weight down in a controlled motion and try to really feel the burning in your chest muscle as you lower the weight thus stretching and really targeting your chest muscles as a result.
Remember, it's not quantity but quality. Think about it, you could lift 30 pounds ten times with poor form or 30 pounds six times with proper form, and you would notice much better results with the latter example
So don't cheat yourself out of building the massive chest you desire by cheating on your negatives - this is when much of the pressure is being put on your muscles, so don't "wimp out".
To anyone who wants to learn how to build chest muscle and quickly at that simply follow these 3 simple steps and you'll be on the road to a massive chest in no time.


How To Get Ripped - 7 Foods For Flat Abs

Flat Abs
The key to having flat abs lies in your ability to keep fat from forming. So, watching what you eat is definitely a step towards the right direction. Couple that with the right exercise and soon enough your midsection will be as flat as a washboard (or at least very close to it).
Following are the foods that have a reputation for flattening bellies


A study in the journal Diabetes Care have found that people who consume monosaturated fat have less stomach bulge than those who consume the same amount of calories with minimal fats. Additionally, a study in the journal Obesity indicates that monkeys that ate trans fats have waistlines 30 percent bigger than those that ate monosaturated fats. What causes this is that monosaturated fats prevent blood sugar levels from spiking which in turn prevents your body from storing fat around your midsection.
The great thing with avocados is that they contain high amounts of monosaturated fats. To be more precise, half an avocado contains 10 grams of healthy monosaturated fats.

Green Tea

Green tea has been known to boost metabolism rate. According to studies, drinking three cups of green tea every day could boost your metabolism rate, enough to burn 30 calories (each day) or 3 pounds a year just from sipping your tea. This metabolism boosting power lies in the compound ECGC (epigallocatechin-3-gallate) that green tea contains. Additionally, the ECGC is also found to be capable of preventing the death of heart muscle cells following ischemia/reperfusion (restriction in blood supply) injury.
 7 Foods For Flat Abs


Even if you're technically fat free around your midsection, it is still possible that your belly will still look puffy. In addition to fat, abdominal bloating can also be caused by the excessive production of gas by bad bacteria residing in your belly. The good news is a cup of plain yogurt can promote the growth of good bacteria in your stomach which, in turn, could prevent the accumulation of those nasty gas producing bacteria in your tummy.

Blueberries and blackberries are a very good source of antioxidants. As a matter of fact, they top the antioxidant chart. In addition to preventing cancer, antioxidants also improve blood flow which delivers more oxygen to your muscles. Having a good supply of oxygen in your muscles makes exercise easier, thus allowing you to work out harder, longer, and more frequently.

A study in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition indicates that people who consume whole grains lost more belly fat than calorie cutters who fed on refined grains. The thing is, bulgur has more fiber and fewer calories than other grains. And speaking of fiber, fiber keeps your body's insulin levels low which, according to researchers, could shrink fat cells.

Chocolate Milk
According to the findings presented at the American College of Sports Medicine meeting in Seattle, athletes who consumed chocolate milk had lower levels of muscle damage than those who drank sports drinks (after four days of intense training). It has been found that chocolate milk makes carbs and proteins work better together thus promoting muscle building.

If you began reading this wondering how to get ripped, well, these foods can help you. But, of course, you need to do weight training, too.


Friday 15 April 2016

How sports nutrition supplements can prove beneficial

 Whey Protein ;Casein Protein ;Amino Acids ;BCAAs;Glutamine;Creatine ;Beta Alanine;HMB
As a sportsperson, the only thing that stays in your mind is to boost your performance levels in order to perform better in your respective sport/game. There is nothing wrong in this as every sportsperson wants to be the best and wish to stay the same for a longer duration. If you have a careless attitude towards your diet then it is surely going to affect your sporting career. Including sports nutrition supplements is one of the effective ways of making your diet intake effective.                                                                                                    Protein – It is one of the key sports supplements that give you a boost to your overall performance as a sportsperson. When you exercise on a daily basis, you need right amount of protein to fuel your workout sessions. Following are its well-known types                                                                              
 Whey Protein – It is a complete protein which contains nine key amino acids and the best thing is that it contains low lactose content. It is a unique blend of Bovine serum albumin, Beta-lactoglobulin, Immunoglobin and Alpha-lactalbumin. It helps in improving muscle protein synthesis and promotes growth of lean tissue mass.                  
Casein Protein – It is anti-catabolic in nature and rich in calcium. It is a slow digesting source of protein and a key supplement for the health enthusiasts, bodybuilders and athletes.                              
Soy Protein – It is a plant-based protein which is obtained from soy beans. Soy is rich in Glutamine and Arginine which helps in muscle formation. It also plays a key role in rebuilding the muscle.                  
Amino Acids – These are important for the bodybuilders and health enthusiasts. Following are the types of amino acids –                                                                                                                                  
BCAAs – They are key amino acids which comprise of Isoleucine, Valine, and Leucine. It helps in improving the sports performance, improves exercise performance, and reduces the muscle breakdown.                                                                                                                                                  
Glutamine – It is an amino acid and it helps in recovering from the strength training. In addition to this, it also helps in protein synthesis                                                                                                              
Taurine – It is an amino acid that is present in various pre-workout formulas. It also offers treatment for congestive heart failure, liver disease, high blood pressure and cystic fibrosis.                                                    
Creatine – It is an important supplement that should be consumed if you are a strength trainer or a bodybuilder who is looking to gain muscle strength & size. Consuming Creatine before exercise prepares you to perform strenuous exercises.                                                                                          
Beta Alanine – It helps in reducing the fatigue sensation while you workout. It also makes considerable improvements in muscular endurance.                                                                                      
HMB – It proves useful in reducing muscle damage and has anti-catabolic effects that help in having lean body mass.                                                                                                                                                                     Benefits –
Sports persons have to toil hard to improve their performance and they make use of varied measures in order to achieve it. There is no doubt that sports supplements give a boost to the overall performance of the sportspersons. Following are some of the reasons as why one should make use of these supplements                                                                                                                                      
Sportspersons and athletes have to undergo various fitness measures to maintain their fitness levels. From pumping iron to exercise drills, this is where varied sports supplements come handy in providing the extra energy that is required for such workout sessions.                                                            
Training sessions should be teamed up with the ingestion of right nutritional supplements. These supplements provide the human body with the essential minerals, vitamins and proteins that helps you to get more out of your exercise sessions.                                                                                                
You should ingest higher amounts of protein, even if you are physically fit or active. Protein will help you in the repair of broken tissues while you workout.                                                                                    
You need to have right amount of calories ingestion which is important for the absorption of proteins. With the right amount of calories, you ensure that your body gets the energy that is required for keeping the protein reserves together.                                                                                                                  
If you are a sportsperson or an athlete, the significance of sports nutrition supplements cannot be overlooked. In order to gain desired results, you have to ensure that you have chosen the right supplements. You can ask your trainer or a physician that will surely help you make a right decision.


The Best Times to Use Protein Shakes for Maximum Results

The Best Times to Use Protein
The Best Times to Use Protein Shakes for Maximum Results

Most people who start bodybuilding don't realize that it's more of a set process. If you don't stick to it, you aren't going to be able to see the best results. A lot of newcomers also don't realize that there are different types of supplements that will affect differently on your workout regime, and thus they should be taken at certain times. Protein shakes are just one of the few examples of how you can either make or break your body, for example. There are different types of protein mixes that can be found anywhere from nutrient shops to average brands you can find in grocery stores. Whey protein is generally the most bulky, average supplement, and is meant to be used at every part of the day, for instance.
But some protein powders aren't the same, and will really only truly benefit you if used after or before your workout. For instance, PXS is a protein powder that is meant to be used after you do your workout. While it has protein, calories, and other nutrients that will help your body no matter when you use it, it is also so expensive because of its main purpose. This powder will help your body absorb as much protein as possible after your workout, as well as other nutrients that are necessary for your body to fully get the most out of what you accomplish in that time frame. If you haven't worked out before you actually take this supplement, then you are only benefiting from half of it. In other words, you aren't actually getting as much as you could be from it.
There are some protein shakes, however, that should be used throughout the day, and can't be overdone or taken incorrectly. As long as they are either mixed in milk or water (generally milk is your best bet if you aren't allergic or can stand to drink a lot in a day), you are going to see steady results. The general principle with overall protein is that the more you take, the more you are going to see and be able to reflect on. It is nearly impossible to overdose yourself on protein shakes, as you are simply giving your body the minerals and vitamins it already takes advantage of.

Protein shakes in accordance to other supplements should be reviewed beforehand by a doctor or nutrition specialist. Sometimes you will want to take your drinks in fluency with some sort of other supplement you have, such as weight gain pills, workout enhancements, etc. These have a tendency to amplify the effects in a rather positive way, and should also be reviewed to make sure that it can't be harmful to you for some reason. As been said before, however, protein shakes alone will not harm you in any way shape or form.
So what about protein shakes before your workout? Just like they have post-exercise mixes, they also have those which should be taken in right before you start your regime. These are generally less expensive than any sort of post-mix, and have a set of instructions to be followed carefully so that you don't risk making your workout as beneficial as possible. Another thing to keep in mind is that when you are crushing protein shakes all day, especially when mixed with milk; you will find them hard to take in a few cups forward. Make sure to eat as much as possible when you do decide to drink them, as it makes it go down quite a bit easier. This will also keep your stomach from becoming upset or uncomfortable, as that much milk in protein can have that effect if not balanced correctly with food.


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